February Mindful Movement Challenge

Join us for 14 days of daily Pilates and mindful movement. We think February is the absolute perfect time for this challenge...no more resolutions (we don’t believe in them anyway), life will hopefully be settling into a rhythm after the craziness of the holidays, a new year, new decade, new president….all the things! So, now it’s time to shift some focus and recommit to YOU! We promise, if you pledge to move your body and breathe with us daily for two weeks, you’ll feel stronger, more centered, and way more connected with your body and spirit. Connect to Your Core! Sound familiar? Uh, yeh...it’s our tagline and the BP philosophy! Sounds pretty nice, right? We think so.

What you’ll get:

  • Daily emails containing a 10ish-minute recorded movement and/or mindfulness session (equaling over 2 hours of content!), inspiration, and calls to action!

  • Access to 6 group Pilates classes of your choosing, either online, or a mix of online and in-person at our studio.

  • Two “Expert Hours” with Jo Schaalman of the Conscious Cleanse and Dr. Kyle Willets of Alpine Fit.

  • A great discount on all apparel, gear, loops, cookbooks, and props to enhance your challenge and life.

What you also get is an amazing deal! We priced this challenge below the cost of just the group classes themselves (!!), plus all the additional free content...

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SpecialsDonna Ligon
Holiday Feels and DEALS, DEALS, DEALS!!!

Small businesses like ours need your support now more than ever. This year has seen closures of way too many of the unique businesses that are truly the heart of our small communities. We get it: Amazon is convenient…and, they have more money than they could ever need! Businesses like ours are staring down a potential second closure, and the sad possibility of closing for good if we can’t bring in enough money to stay afloat through another lockdown. What if we all committed to our community and pledged to buy only from small local businesses this Holiday season. Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook as, starting Friday, we will be highlighting our favorite local businesses and products to help make your holiday shopping easy. And please check out our amazing deals below, and consider giving a loved one the gift of health and strength! All of our gift card purchases come with an extra gift of love to your recipient and some of them include a gift for YOU too!

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SpecialsDonna Ligon
Best Laid Plans... A Letter From Donna About Re-Opening the Studio.

Dear diary....errr....ummm....clients (honesty alert),

I have sat down to write this email a solid 8 times in the last week. Each time, I stared at the blank screen for about an hour and then gave up. This time I was determined to get something written, and as I started writing, I also started crying. And then, as I often do when I'm struggling, I texted Lexy (cuz, as you know, she's the BEST). She offered sound advice, knowing me incredibly well, and gave me permission to let go of my need to be in control, to maintain my outward positive outlook, my business-owner-brave-face, and to just be honest about how I'm feeling right now. It dawned on me that THAT was the reason I was having such a hard time writing this. Those of you who know me well, know that I wear my heart on my sleeve in my personal relationships. But I don't often share so personally en masse and in my business life. Alas, these are unusual times, and it feels right to share a bit of my personal experience as we navigate getting back to some sort of normalcy together.

So...I'm sad. I'm scared. I'm anxious. I'm overwhelmed. I miss my team. I miss my clients. I miss my daily routines, restaurants, cafes....all of it. Like we all do.

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Donna Ligon