A Pilates Perk You Never Knew You Were Getting

Do you do Pilates? If your answer is yes, well, guess what? You also meditate! Which also means, you're now officially a Buddhist. Ok, that last sentence is not true at all, but the mediation part is, and it's one of the coolest aspects of Pilates that's not often talked about.

Meditation has been a part of my life for over a decade. There are many different types of practices, but the one constant is that you are taking attention away from your thoughts in order to be in your body in the here and now. One definition of mediation in its simplest form is: “Meditation is the practice of turning one's attention to a single point of reference. It can involve focusing on the breath, on our bodily sensations, or on a word or phrase. In other words, meditation means pivoting away from distracting thoughts and focusing on the present moment.”

My favorite practice has always been body-centered mediation, where you focus your attention on different parts of your body while breathing deeply into them. Umm… sound familiar? One of the things you’ve most likely noticed while doing Pilates, is that you simply can not think about your grocery list, your evening plans, or what you’re going to make for that potluck you have to go to tomorrow. For that precious hour of you-time that you’re in the studio, you’re having to focus so intently on what your body is doing, on those tiny muscles you never even knew you had...and on your breath, that everything else just falls away. Without even realizing it, you leave your session feeling lighter, more centered, and more grounded— almost as though you meditated for that hour— because, you kinda did.


Donna Ligon, Owner and Instructor, Bolder Pilates

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Donna Ligon
Pushed to the Edge

I did something recently that, in a million years, I thought I would never do. In order to do it, I had to push up against a potent fear of heights, distress at the thought of injury or death, and a well established mistrust of my body to function during the anxiety caused by said phobias. I did it anyway. It’s interesting to me, my choice to do this thing. I’m risk averse, prefer being in control, and I have a fair share of strong aversions: flying, heights, the dark, being stuck in an elevator with a snotty-nosed child who’s just been diagnosed with flu, to name a few. Once in a while though, I like to  push myself out of my comfort zone. Like, REALLY push myself. I’ve been sky-diving, paragliding, and even spent time inside a Chuck E. Cheese establishment for a 5 year old’s birthday party! This year, I climbed the Telluride Via Ferrata.  

This via ferrata (there are over 400 world-wide) is a climbing route that precariously traverses rock faces and ledges up to 600 feet above the trees with some sections so exposed that you can only pass by utilizing cables to clip into, as well as iron hand and foot holds. I’m pretty sure I’ve been on things like this before...in my nightmares...naked.

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Donna Ligon
I Do Pilates So I Can…

My journey to Pilates started with low back pain when I was just a teenager. My chronic pain worsened throughout my high school and college years, significantly exacerbated by multiple car accidents (SEVEN to be exact, plus being hit as a pedestrian…but who’s counting?). My mid to late twenties found me spending about 8 days per month laid up in a zero gravity chair, taking muscle relaxers to quell the constant spasming in my back, and relying on friends for help with everyday activities like grocery shopping and cleaning. At 27 years old, this was my normal; until I found Pilates.  

Cut to 20 years later (yadda, yadda, yadda) and my life looks completely different. I’m older, but my body feels younger than it was back then. All of the activities and adventuring my friends were doing while I was debilitated with pain, I can now do. I hike in the mountains, cross country ski, do Yoga, take dance classes, and can perform all the activities of daily life without fear of my back “going out” on me. Not to mention, I have been happily teaching the incredible benefits of Pilates since my life was forever changed by it. Pilates was the tool I used to get my body to a place of strength, health, and vitality. It has never been about a workout, although don’t get me wrong, it’s a phenomenal one! This idea of using Pilates as a catalyst for living one’s best and boldest life was the foundation for building my business, and it continues to be the guiding principle behind our studio.  

We have recently launched our “I do Pilates so I can...” campaign to highlight our studio community’s successes with Pilates and what it has helped them do better in their lives outside of the studio. OK, I’ll start: “I do Pilates so I can… live a bold and adventurous life free from limitations and pain.”   

- Donna Ligon, Owner and Instructor, Bolder Pilates

Follow our campaign on Instagram and Facebook, and we invite you to share your story with us.  

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Beyond the StudioDonna Ligon