Small Business Saturday And Cyber Monday deals are here!

Ditch the malls, support local and SHOP SMALL this Saturday! We are so proud to be a small (and woman owned) business in this wonderful community. It's critical to the the health and wealth of our town to support our local establishments that work so hard every day to bring you their best, and to ensure that Boulder stays unique and vibrant. We can't wait to hit the streets of town on Saturday and support of our faves! As a thank you for your continued support of our l'il biz, use the code below to buy any service on our site (excluding workshops) for 10% off.

Class or private package running low? Buy a new one...or heck, buy a few, and relax knowing you're all set for a while!

Saturday, November 24th through Cyber Monday, November 26th, 2018.

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SpecialsDonna Ligon
Two Year Anniversary Celebration and Open House!

It's anniversary time at Bolder Pilates. We opened our doors to our sweet little studio 2 years ago last month! In many ways it seems like yesterday, and in others it feels like we've always been here. We have grown closer and stronger as a team and as a community of teachers and clients.

Join us for our Two Year Anniversary Open House and Celebration on Saturday, October 20th. We will have 2 free classes plus a SIP (on bubbles of course) and SHOP debut of our new ALO YOGA and Toe Sox ( grippy socks) lines.

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SpecialsDonna Ligon