I Do Pilates So I Can…

Pilates isn't just a workout—it's a lifestyle. Here’s why I keep coming back to it every day.

My journey to Pilates started with low back pain when I was just a teenager. My chronic pain worsened throughout my high school and college years, significantly exacerbated by multiple car accidents (SEVEN to be exact, plus being hit as a pedestrian—but who’s counting?). By the time I reached my mid-twenties, I spent about 8 days per month in a zero-gravity chair, taking muscle relaxers to quell the constant spasming in my back, and relying on friends for everyday activities like grocery shopping and cleaning. At 27 years old, this was my normal—until I found Pilates.

Cut to 20+ years later (yadda, yadda, yadda) and my life looks completely different. I’m older, but my body feels younger than it did then. All of the activities and adventures my friends were doing while I was debilitated with pain, I can now do. I hike in the mountains, cross-country ski, do yoga, play pickleball, take dance classes, and perform all daily life activities, without fear of my back “going out” on me. Not to mention, I have been happily teaching the incredible benefits of Pilates since my life was forever changed by it.

Pilates was the tool to get my body to a place of strength, health, and vitality. It has never been about a workout, although don’t get me wrong, it’s phenomenal, and the health benefits are endless. This idea of using Pilates as a catalyst for living one’s best and boldest life was the foundation for building my business, and it continues to be the guiding principle behind our studio.

This is my “why?” behind my carer choice, and my personal Pilates practice….what’s yours?

— Donna Rosen, Owner and Instructor, Bolder Pilates

Explore Bolder Pilates and experience the life-changing benefits for yourself.